Introduction: Nice to meet you!
- My initiation to trauma and loss (I was 8 years old)
- Grief is everywhere
- The Military Life…Lost in a sea of grief as a Navy wife
- A grief so big…there is no name for it…the loss of my son
Grief Is…Mourning Sickness
- Birthing the baby…the only way to it, is through it
- Prenatal care; good advice for Post Trauma & Loss and Grief Care
- Pre-caution: Avoid “Destructive Habits of Distraction©”
- Closet days
Grief Is…Leftover Love
- “Open” and “Closed” Spirit
- Emotional Walls & A.D.D. in relationships
- Persistent Resistance (P.R.)
Grief Is…A Magician
Coaching: The challenges grief brings to your relationships
- The “Lasagna Lady”
- Health Crisis and PTSD
- Tapping for feeling “HOPELESS”
Grief Is…Watching someone else’s life flash before your eyes
Coaching: Watch your mental movies
- Shock and trauma create a brain freeze similar to a computer’s blue screen!
- Tapping for the incessant mental movies
- SPECIAL love
Grief Is…A Tower of Babel
Coaching: When people say hurtful things
- My Sassy Suggestion at “The Happy Booby Club”
- The mistake I made at my brother’s funeral
- Examples of ‘babel’ comments and how to translate them
Grief Is…An Inconsiderate Guest
- Back to work is not business as usual
- The COST of grief in the workplace
- The Luther Grief Breathing Method to stop a panic/crying attack
Grief Is…Oil in the Salad Dressing of Life
- A symbolic story- a mountain of emotional luggage
- Being willing to do the work
- EGO makes “unreasonable” connections
Grief Is…A Marathon
- How long will it take? Am I grieving right?
- The long list of “firsts”
- Keeping the memory alive without stoking the pain of grief
Grief Is…A Day-to-Day Experience
- The degree of suffering is determined by…the degree of attachment
- Examples of often unaddressed grief
- The decision
Introducing Jan Luther’s Signature Formula:
“The 5 Aspects of Grief”©
- Comparing and enhancing the usefulness of The 5 Stages of Grief model
- Denial or P.R.?
- Exemplifying The 5 Aspects of Grief
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This book is your “emotional first aid” handbook for grief recovery. Most people agree that the time to learn CPR and First Aid is before someone is lying in front of you, unconscious and not breathing. Would you agree, then, that the best time to learn what to expect and what you can do about grief is before you experience a trauma or loss?
Drawing on work with thousands of students and clients and my own experiences with grief – including the loss of my 22-year old son in 2006 – I’ll teach you how to identify and address the often unrecognized causes and symptoms of grief. Every page of this book is written to give you simple and specific strategies for transcending grief so that you will not have to be at the mercy of trauma, loss or change ever again!